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Holiday Magic in Vienna: A Recap of Santa's Mailbox Campaign


This holiday season, VCAC was thrilled to help bring the magic of Santa’s mailbox to Vienna through our Santa's Mailbox campaign! Local businesses, residents and VCAC members joined forces to ensure every child’s letter made it safely to the North Pole.

Throughout the week, Baker Elementary students at Mathews Local were busy writing their holiday wishes and dropping them into the special North Pole mailbox at school. These letters were sent directly to Santa through a custom mailbox right at the school.

For those with little ones not yet in school, the community was able to pick up special North Pole envelopes at local businesses, including:

  • Brothers Pizza Vienna

  • Once Upon a Bookstore

  • Twisted Peacock Coffee Shop

  • The Yankee Kitchen

  • Second To None Cafe

Once the letters were completed, they were dropped off at the North Pole mailbox in the gazebo at Vienna Township Bicentennial Park. From there, the elves took care of the rest, ensuring every letter made its way to Santa in time for Christmas.

This campaign was a heartwarming success, spreading holiday cheer throughout Vienna and giving children the opportunity to share their Christmas wishes with Santa. Thank you to all the local businesses, schools, and community members who helped make this holiday tradition unforgettable!

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